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Downtown Toronto
Etobicoke And York
North York
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all schools
All Saints Catholic School
Annunciation Catholic School
Bishop Allen Academy
Bishop Macdonell Catholic School (No Permits)
Bishop Marrocco/Merton Secondary School
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati
Blessed Sacrament Catholic School
Blessed Trinity Catholic School
Brebeuf High School
Canadian Martyrs Catholic School
Cardinal Carter Academy For The Arts
Cardinal Leger Catholic School
CEC/York U
Chaminade College School
D'Arcy McGee Catholic School
Dante Alighieri @ Don Bosco Secondary School
Divine Mercy Catholic Elementary School
East Curriculum S.U.formerly Maximillian Kolbe
Epiphany of our Lord Catholic School
Father Henry Carr
Father John Redmond C.S.S. & Regional Arts Centre
Father Serra Catholic School
Francis Libermann Catholic High School
Holy Angels Catholic School
Holy Cross Catholic School
Holy Family Catholic School
Holy Name Catholic School
Holy Rosary Catholic School
Holy Spirit Catholic School
Immaculate Conception Catholic School
Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic School
James Cardinal McGuigan
James Culnan Catholic School
Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School
Loretto Abbey Catholic Secondary School
Loretto College School
Madonna Catholic Secondary School
Marshall McLuhan
Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School
Mary Ward ESL/LINC Centre
Michael Power/St. Joseph
Mother Cabrini Catholic School
Msgr Fraser Annex formerly St. Peter #343
Msgr Fraser College (#222): St Martin Campus
Msgr Fraser College (Alternative School)
Msgr Fraser College (Malvern Campus)
Msgr Fraser College (Midland North Campus #412)
Msgr Fraser College (Midland) #532
Msgr Fraser College (Norfinch)
Msgr Fraser College Isabella North
Msgr Fraser College Isabella South Campus
Msgr John Corrigan Catholic School
Msgr Percy Johnson Catholic Secondary School
Nativity Of Our Lord Catholic School
Neil McNeil High School
Notre Dame High School
Our Lady Of Fatima Catholic School
Our Lady Of Grace Catholic School
Our Lady Of Guadalupe Catholic School
Our Lady Of Lourdes Catholic School
Our Lady Of Peace Catholic School
Our Lady Of Perpetual Help School
Our Lady Of Sorrows Catholic School
Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic School
Our Lady Of Victory Catholic School
Our Lady Of Wisdom Catholic School
Pope Francis Catholic School
Precious Blood Catholic School
Prince Of Peace Catholic School
Regina Mundi *NEW*
Sacred Heart Catholic School
Santa Maria Catholic School
Scarlett Heights (DO NOT PERMIT)
Senator O'Connor College School
Senhor Santo Cristo Catholic School/CLOSED O PERM
St. Agatha Catholic School
St. Agnes Catholic School
St. Aidan Catholic School
St. Albert Catholic School
St. Alphonsus Catholic School
St. Ambrose C. S.
St. Andre Catholic School
St. Andrew Catholic School
St. Angela Catholic School
St. Anselm Catholic School
St. Anthony Catholic School
St. Antoine Daniel @ St. Philip Neri Catholic
St. Augustine Catholic School
St. Barbara Catholic School
St. Barnabas Catholic School
St. Bartholomew Catholic School
St. Basil The Great-College School
St. Bede Catholic School
St. Benedict Catholic School
St. Bernard C.S.
St. Bonaventure Catholic School
St. Boniface Catholic School
St. Brendan Catholic School
St. Brigid Catholic School
St. Bruno Catholic School
St. Catherine Catholic School
St. Cecilia Catholic School
St. Charles Catholic School
St. Charles Garnier Catholic School
St. Clare Catholic School
St. Clement Catholic School
St. Columba Catholic School
St. Conrad Catholic School
St. Cyril Catholic School
St. Demetrius C. S.-NO PERMITS
St. Denis Catholic School
St. Dominic Savio Catholic School
St. Dorothy Catholic School
St. Dunstan Catholic School
St. Edmund Campion Catholic School
St. Edward Catholic School
St. Elizabeth Catholic School
St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School
St. Eugene Catholic School
St. Fidelis Catholic School
St. Florence Catholic School
St. Francis De Sales Catholic School
St. Francis of Assisi NEW (former St. Lucy)
St. Francis Xavier Catholic School
St. Gabriel Catholic School
St. Gabriel Lalemant Catholic School
St. Gerald Catholic School
St. Gerard Majella CS/ NO PERMITS
St. Gregory Catholic School
St. Helen Catholic School
St. Henry Catholic School
St. Ignatius Of Loyola Catholic School
St. Isaac Jogues Catholic School
St. James Catholic School
St. Jane Frances C.S.
St. Jean De Brebeuf Catholic School
St. Jerome Catholic School
St. Joachim Catholic School
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Academy
St. John Bosco Catholic School
St. John Catholic School (Toronto)
St. John Henry Newman High School
St. John Paul II Secondary School
St. John The Evangelist C.S
St. John Vianney Catholic School
St. John XXIII Catholic School
St. Josaphat (former St. Teresa) Catholic School
St. Joseph College School
St. Joseph Elementary Catholic School
St. Joseph's Morrow Park High School
St. Jude Catholic School
St. Kateri Tekakwitha School
St. Kevin Catholic School
St. Lawrence Catholic School
St. Leo Catholic School (as of Jan. 2025)
St. Louis Catholic School
St. Luigi Catholic School
St. Malachy Catholic School
St. Marcellus Catholic School
St. Margaret Catholic School
St. Margherita of Citta di Castello
St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Catholic School
St. Maria Goretti Catholic School
St. Mark Catholic School
St. Martha Catholic School
St. Martin De Porres Catholic School
St. Mary Catholic Academy
St. Mary Elementary Catholic School
St. Mary Of The Angels Catholic School
St. Matthew Catholic School
St. Matthias (former Holy Redeemer Catholic School
St. Maurice Catholic School
St. Michael Catholic School
St. Michael Choir School (SR)
St. Monica Catholic School
St. Mother Teresa Catholic Secondary
St. Nicholas Catholic School
St. Nicholas Of Bari Catholic School
St. Norbert Catholic School
St. Oscar Romero Secondary Catholic School
St. Paschal Baylon Catholic School
St. Patrick Catholic Secondary School
St. Paul Catholic School
St. Paul VI Catholic School
St. Pius X Catholic School
St. Raphael Catholic School
St. Rene Goupil Catholic School
St. Richard Catholic School
St. Rita Catholic School
St. Robert Catholic School
St. Roch Catholic School
St. Rose Of Lima Catholic School
St. Sebastian Catholic School
St. Simon Catholic School
St. Stephen Catholic School
St. Sylvester Catholic School
St. Theresa Shrine Catholic School
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School
St. Thomas More Catholic School
St. Timothy Catholic School
St. Ursula Catholic School
St. Victor Catholic School
St. Vincent De Paul Catholic School
St. Wilfrid Catholic School
Stella Maris Catholic School
Sts. Cosmas And Damian Catholic School
The Divine Infant Catholic School
The Holy Trinity CS
Transfiguration Catholic School
Venerable John Merlini Catholic School
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